From Design to Build, Efficiently

The collaborative Design-Build approach maximizes production speed and minimizes risks from design to constructability, aligning all involved project team members from the start.

Exactly What You Need, Right When You Need It

With timeline hanging in the balance, the stakes are high. DensElement® Barrier System shortens that timeline by simplifying process and cutting out an entire step in the envelope assembly. By filling microscopic voids in the glass mat and gypsum core, AquaKor™ Technology creates a hydrophobic, monolithic surface that blocks bulk water while retaining vapor permeability. No additional water-resistive barrier and air barrier installation is needed.

This integration means:

DensElement® Barrier System enhances design-build by helping ensure reliable constructability.
Reliable Design Control Through Construction
DensElement® Barrier System’s cladding versatility means more design options for the architect and building owner and less contractor onsite implementation concerns.
Cladding Versatility
DensElement® Barrier System’s integrated WRB-AB enables installation versatility even in wet, rainy weather.
Weather Versatility
DensElement® Barrier System eliminates the need for a separate WRB-AB, meaning less overall time on the job.
Less Time on the Job
DensElement® Barrier System’s integrated sheathing and WRB-AB aids the design-build process in faster turnaround from design to completion.
Faster Turnaround from Design to Completion

By consolidating process, constructability has been simplified with risk reduction. Incorporating the WRB-AB upfront in the initial design and construction means there won’t be any need for potential water and air barrier changes down the line, and there’s no room for application-related inconsistencies to happen in the field.

How much time is saved? Home Innovation Labs, a third-party product-testing laboratory, compared DensElement Barrier System installation with typical WRB-ABs in a mock assembly. The facts are conclusive.

An independent time motion study showed DensElement® Barrier System provided a 40% times savings over building wrap and fluid-applied WRB-AB applications.

* The results presented reflect the findings on specific construction assemblies, under test conditions. Actual results may vary depending on the system, the building, the installation methods, and other factors.

DensElement® Barrier System’s project efficiency, schedule savings, and WRB-AB coverage amplifying design-build process benefits.
"DensElement® Barrier System eliminates the need to have an additional crew onsite to apply a separate WRB-AB, which saves both time and money. The result is a faster installation that gives back hours, if not days, in the schedule. In turn, this eliminates the risk of post-design WRB-AB changes to the envelope design, as well as the risk of inconsistent WRB-AB application in the field."
‒John Chamberlin, Georgia-Pacific Gypsum Director, Product Management

Built-In Design Innovation

For Samaritan Health System’s expansion and new construction of its new Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital expansion, DensElement® Barrier System played a vital role in the project team’s overall design-build approach. See how its unique water-proofing capabilities and building process consolidation amplified the design-build approach and helped keep the schedule on track to serve the residents of Oregon’s more remote coastal communities.

Read the Case Study

Schedule a Hands-on Demo and see DensElement® Barrier System today!